Digital Dementia

“You’re way too laid back with your phone Yesenia.” – Victor Moran But that wasn’t always the case. This week I’m coming to you in thrifted monochrome and DIY flyness to talk to you about technology, beginning with a story about my mom Auxiliadora. A few weeks … Continue readingDigital Dementia

and Relationships

  Last week I went on a spiel about mental health because well, that shit’s important bruh. We often ignore the significance of mental and emotional health. Since it goes unseen, it’s easy to sweep under the rug, but if I could scream it from the … Continue readingand Relationships

Mental Health…

Hello. My name is Yesenia Guadalupe. I was simultaneously named after a fictional television gypsy, and the Mexican depiction of the virgin Mary. This dichotomy is as much a part of me as my face. This is it, bare and exposed. On a day where … Continue readingMental Health…