Madre Chinandega

Published in Florecerás, Nicaragua, Issue 1. por: Yesenia Guadalupe Berrios Era una niña de siete años la primera vez que visite Chinandega, Nicaragua. La tierra de mis ancestros, cuál calor se siente en los huesos, que sube de la tierra y baja del sol. … Continue readingMadre Chinandega

Agnes Senga

*03-2019 edit: Aggy is raising funds for their partner’s top surgery. Click here to show your support! * Measuring in at a regal 6’2 in stiletto knee-highs, stunning ensembles, and fabulous lace fronts, the incomparable Agnes Senga. Makes. A. Motherfucking. Entrance. A member of the … Continue readingAgnes Senga

Endless Summer

I find myself holding on to the Summer more tightly than ever, the way you hold on to life when you understand death for the first time. Maybe not even understand it, because how could we possibly? But at the very least, accept it as … Continue readingEndless Summer

Independence Day

Independence day is a joke. There is no independence in America for the color folk. Land of the greed, home of the new slave, losing our lives to a minimum sentence or wage. A modern age, where they legally demean our communities, but a law doesn’t … Continue readingIndependence Day

The Groove

I’d lost my groove. Or rather, not lost it, but gave it up. I had it, the groove, in my grasp, before I exchanged it for an ill-conceived rut. It wasn’t something I could catch in a jar on a cold night, when its light … Continue readingThe Groove

In the Projected Path

By: Yesenia Berrios Published in Muchacha Fanzine “Madre Tierra” Issue #13 As anyone in Miami-Dade County on Friday September 8th, 2017 can attest, we were all utterly terrified, and remarkably humbled, at the wrath of an angry God. But not the God of ancient man … Continue readingIn the Projected Path

La Hermandad

The last six years of my life have been an awakening, and the synchronicity in these years have propelled me forward to the here and now. An empowering here where my truth is my power, and where I yearn to share all that I’ve learned … Continue readingLa Hermandad